A series of amazing things has happened in our family over the past couple of weeks and I am so excited to share what God has done!
Many of you have followed the adventure of Felicity’s health struggle and have stood in faith with us for a long time for her healing. In August she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and our lives since then have been an amazingly, exciting journey!
A couple of weeks ago Felicity got an ear infection…I know, I said she was getting well and then started with that! Here is the great part…typically by the last week in January she has had several illnesses and hospitalizations. Typically an ear infection would last her several weeks to a month. NOT THIS TIME! She made it until the last week of January without illness and within 2 days of the antibiotics she felt healthy!!!!
Last Friday, Felicity and I went to the mall to get some clothes; the plan was to hit a couple of stores and eat lunch. Felicity and I spent at least and hour in the mall and Felicity did so WITHOUT her wheelchair! For her this is huge because up until this time, she needed a wheelchair if she was going to be walking for more than 15-20 minutes because she would be in so much pain with her joints.
Saturday, Felicity was able to play in the snow for an hour (she only came in because I made her)! To most, this is no big deal because your child can play in the snow with no problems. For Felicity, this was the first time she was able to play in the cold for more than 5 minutes without extreme pain!
These 3 things don’t seem like much to most of you so then…What does all of this mean?! It means that her body is coming into alignment with what the Word of God says! We have believed that “by His stripes she is healed”, “no weapon formed against her will prosper” and so on and her body is finally lining up with that Word!
A friend reminded me this past Sunday of something that I know, but needed to be reminded of…the enemy doesn’t like what is going on in her body; he will fight hard to make us think that she is not getting well. Our job is to continue to stand on the Word because we know the TRUTH…she IS healed and whole! As a Christian, this gives us proof that God is still in the miracle business and miracles are not just for the Bible times, but for today and tomorrow and every tomorrow yet to come! As a mother, this is exciting because my daughter can experience a little more what being a “regular” 13 year old is all about! For the first time in over 6 years…we get to consider what extracurricular activities she wants to be involved in! Felicity can pick a sport to play! Felicity can be a kid!!!!
What do I want you all to take from this?!
- NEVER, NEVER, NEVER lose hope! If you are believing for something that will require a miracle…DO NOT give up! Continue to stand in faith, quote the Word over the situation and know that God knows what He is doing…He wrote the rules and the rules say that you win!
- Don’t allow the enemy to come in and lie to you and tell you that a miracle didn’t or couldn’t really happen! It can and it will!
- Don’t ever take for granted the simple things in your life! Your children playing in the snow is just an everyday “normal” thing…my kid playing in the snow is a sign of a miracle! Your kid getting over an illness in a day or two is “normal”…for my kid it is a sign of a miracle! Does your kid play a sport? To you that is normal…to us, it is a sign of a miracle!
For those of you who do not know Felicity’s whole miracle FILLED story and would like to hear it, please e-mail me at talksstraightfromtheheart@gmail.com I love to share all of the amazing GOD-THINGS that have happened in our lives…it truly ministers to people and ministers to me when lives are touched because of our lives!
Please continue to stand in faith with us that the Celiac Disease will miraculously go away too! I know that my God is big enough and powerful enough…Do you?
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