"God has had His eye on you since the beginning of time to do something so extraordinary through your life that even the angels would stand back in wonder and long to do what you were created to do!"
There are so many ways I can go about writing what is on my heart about this quote and I have struggled to find the right one. So, I am just going to start and see where it leads. (To be clear, this quote is not actual scripture, it is a quote from a devotional. However, there is scripture that talks about these points.)
One morning this past week I woke up and read my devotion and this quote was in the middle of the devotional. It struck me so hard that I couldn’t even focus on the scripture that went with it. The first thing that struck me is “God has had His eye on you since the beginning of time…” Notice that it doesn’t say “He has had His eye on you since you were conceived or since you were born.” It says “Since the beginning of time.” Wow! God knew, before your parents were even thought of, what you were going to be and what you were going to do. He has had a plan and a purpose for your life since the beginning of time! That means that while He was creating the World He was thinking about YOU! He was saying to Himself, about me, “Just wait until Heather comes along, angels, you are not even going to believe what I have in mind for her life.” Seriously…God was thinking of me, He was thinking of YOU, even then!
As if that is not enough, the next part says “to do something so extraordinary through your life…” God didn’t plan your life to be something ho-hum or run of the mill; He planned your life to be extraordinary! And really…since God is such an extraordinary God…should we expect anything less?! God doesn’t want us to just do something to get by or for people to glance our way or even to blend into the background while others take/get the credit. NO, He planned for us to be extraordinary. What does that mean? Let’s look at that word, extraordinary: very unusual or remarkable; unusually great; uncommon; exceptional. Seriously…that’s what that word means. So, when God was creating the World, He was planning our lives and He was planning for us to be remarkable, unusually great, and exceptional! He has had that in mind for us since the beginning of time! I know a lot of times we all feel like we are so far from that and sometimes even feel we could never come close to meeting that expectation. However, if God didn’t know we could reach that or become that, I bet He wouldn’t have planned that for us! Since the beginning of time, before we existed even as a seed, God planned that we were going to be great! One thing that strikes me about this is that we often don’t feel that way about ourselves when we look at our own lives, but God didn’t say we would be great to ourselves…He just said we would be great! What we do, what we say or how we act may not seem great or extraordinary to us, but to someone in our world…we are indeed extraordinary. Example: My daughter has a heart and passion to work with children. I think she is awesome at it and many others have commented on her amazing gift with children. But, if you ask her, she doesn’t think that she is doing anything extraordinary, she just knows she is doing what God called her to do! (She knows she has been called to work with children.) Now, listen to that again: “She doesn’t think she is doing anything extraordinary, she just knows she is doing what God called her to do.” Exactly! When we do what God has called us to do…we are, in fact, doing the extraordinary. And each person’s extraordinary is different. Example: I am in no way gifted with children. I love them; I love to spend time with them, but in smaller doses! However, ask me to organize pretty much anything and I am all over that and I can do it well! That is my specific gifting. That is something, I am told, that I do extraordinary. I, like my daughter, don’t think it is anything special or extraordinary; I just know it is what I was created to do, so I do it! THAT is what makes it extraordinary. So, before we continue…take a minute and think about what God has called you to do or what God has placed a passion in you to do. You got it?! Do you know what that thing is?! Now, do you do it? Do you do it without even thinking about it simply because it is just who you are?! THAT, my friend, is extraordinary! That is what “God has had His eye on you since the beginning of time to do…”
Now for the next part. “Even the angels would stand back in wonder and long to do what you were created to do!” WOW! Even the angels know that we are extraordinary; even without God telling them so. The angels don’t have to be told that we were created to do great things; they simply look at us doing the very things we were created to do and they KNOW we are extraordinary! In fact, they know we are so extraordinary that they actually long to do what we get to do! Have you ever looked at someone and thought “Man would I love to do that!”? Tell the truth…we all have done that at some point in our lives. We look at a missionary who is spreading the gospel in some third world country and think about how great they are and how proud God must be of them. Did you know that God is proud of you?! Somewhere, there is someone who is looking at YOU and thinking that you are great and that God sure must be proud of you! This quote even says that the angels look at us and think that! One big point that I get from this section of the quote is that we often look at our own lives and we don’t see anything great; when we look at someone else’s life we see all kinds of greatness and wish we could be like them. Reality is, you already are like them; maybe not in the sense that you are doing what they are doing, but you are like them in that you are doing what God has created you to do…therefore, what you are doing is great!
What I really pulled from this quote is this: While God was creating His Universe, He was thinking about you and me! God was thinking about the extraordinary things that we would do throughout our lives! He was planning each extraordinary detail in such a way that when the angels looked down on us, they would long to be like us. This doesn’t mean we are supposed to look at those around us and long to be like them. The point of this, I believe, is that the angels already have everything; yet God created each one of us with so much care and purpose that even the angels look at us and are amazed! If the angels look us in that way, shouldn’t we then see ourselves that way? We need to quit comparing our lives to those around us and, instead, compare our lives to the plan and purpose that God planned for us “since the beginning of time”. Don’t sell yourself short! If you are doing exactly what God created you to do…you are indeed extraordinary!
Read the quote again, with everything I have just said in mind. Let this soak into your very being! Next time you doubt yourself or even doubt what God is doing in your life…remember this quote! Remember that YOU ARE EXTRAORDINARY!
“God has had His eye on you since the beginning of time to do something so extraordinary through your life that even the angels would stand back in wonder and long to do what you were created to do!”
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