For a few weeks I have felt strongly that what I am about to say is meant for multiple people; if you are one of those people, please feel free to let me know either through “comment” here or through my email! This blog is only one part of what is on my heart. Please look at part 2 as well!
Many of you have heard the story of our daughter’s illness that struck her in 2004. You would also know the story of how we have been believing for 6 ½ years now for her healing. We have had countless people ask us why isn’t she healed if we have asked God for her to be. We have had people ask us why she isn’t being supernaturally healed. To all of these people I haven’t really known what to say except the pat answer we give everyone, “We believe that she will be totally healed, whether through the miraculous or through the knowledge that God has given the doctors.” And I can truthfully say that I STILL believe this to be the truth. After events this past week and revelation that I have had over the past several weeks I believe that the process of her healing has begun.
In March of 2010, we were told that the doctors believed that Felicity had Lupus. We put on our strong faces with our crumbling insides and moved on with trying to figure out what we could do to help our daughter live the best possible life with this horrible disease. In August we went to see a Rheumatologist who gave us great news…it wasn’t Lupus! At the same time this was devastating because it meant we were back to square one with finding a diagnosis. The doctor told me that Felicity had all of the symptoms of Lupus but none of the patterns of the disease. I thought, “Yeah, yeah. Get on with it and give me yet another false diagnosis.” The doctor then asked me if we had ever taken Felicity off of Gluten; well, no…I didn’t even know what the heck that was. The doctor proceeded to tell me that she believed Felicity had Celiac Disease and that her intestines had become so sick that she was actually malnourished and that is why she was loosing weight, loosing hair and had such a weak immune system. Ok, I could buy that story. She told me to take her off of all Gluten for a couple of weeks and if Felicity started to improve then that is what it was and there would be no need to return! After doing some research I discovered that it would take 3-6 weeks to see improvement and 6-12 months before she was totally back to “normal”, but that with Celiac she would never be able to have Gluten. So, we began the process and I prayed that IF this was what she had that God would allow the healing times to go significantly faster. After just 2 weeks on the diet, Felicity gained a pound and her hair completely stopped falling out! Yay, we had hit the jackpot! Over the last 5 months we have totally changed our diet, we have educated ourselves and others and have seen an amazing improvement in Felicity’s overall health. In fact, she had broken her thumb and it actually healed in ways that the doc hadn’t seen before but were the best possible scenarios! This week Felicity began complaining of a sinus cold and by Tuesday morning she was in tears with such terrible ear pain in her left ear. She was begging to go to the ER and not to wait to see the regular doctor. We later found out she had a major ear infection and was given antibiotics. Now, most people would see this as a terrible setback, but I see it as a huge reason to rejoice! No, I am not at all glad that my child is sick; but I rejoice in a way that only a mother in my exact position could understand. You see, by this time of the winter we have usually already been to the ER countless times and she has been admitted 1-3 times for sickness; this ear infection is the FIRST sickness this entire winter! THAT is reason to rejoice! This shows us that her body isn’t waiting the 6-12 months to totally build itself back up, but instead it has taken 5 months! Is she totally healed? In the natural, no, she isn’t totally healed; in the SUPERnatural she is totally healed. Better than that…I totally believe that she will be Celiac free someday, maybe not on Earth, but for sure in Heaven!
So, what does this have to do with you?! I believe that there is someone out there that has been believing for a healing miracle. You have told God exactly what you are looking for and laid out your guidelines to God of what YOU expect to see in this healing. You have researched the illness and you know it almost better than the doctors do; you know exactly what to expect. But stop for just a minute and think with me…what if YOUR idea of healing isn’t at all what GOD’S is?! I mean, I totally believe that Felicity could wake up tomorrow and eat whatever she wants…Gluten included; I believe my God can do that. BUT, what if that isn’t how GOD chooses to heal her?! What if HIS version of the story goes that she has Celiac until she is in Heaven?! Either scenario could happen, but am I ready to listen if the answer I get is “not yet”?! I know what my answer is and I totally believe that GOD is the one with the plan and HE knows what He is doing far better than I ever could. What about you?! Are you sitting there and waiting for God to answer your prayer the way YOU want Him to or are you trusting that GOD has the plan book and knows far better than you ever could what is best?! I want more than anything for Felicity to be whole and healed, but until that day comes…I MUST show her how to live as if she is whole and healed even in her sickness. After all, when that day of healing comes for her…I want her to walk into it gracefully! We always have taught her that she may be diagnosed with a disease; but that disease does not control her destiny…it is merely a stepping stone to get to the destiny God has already laid out before her. She just has to reach out for it and not live like she has a disease! Does this take a lot of faith?! HUGE faith! But if God can raise Jesus from the dead, I am quite confident that He knows what He is doing! Do I live naively?! To most people I sure do; I don’t call it being naïve though, I call it having faith that my God has the rule book and HE knows what He is doing! The Word gives so many scripture on this, but I will leave you with this one:
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.”
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