Monday, January 3, 2011

What kind of friend are you?!

Have you ever had relationships where you pour your heart and soul into them only to find out later that the friendship wasn't all that you thought it was?!  As most of my friends know, when you are my friend I almost eat, sleep and breathe you!  I will do anything for my friends, often at the cost of my family or myself (something I am working on).  I will sacrifice time, money and often my health if it means bettering or helping my friends.  Unfortunately, there are people out there that enjoy the taking in a relationship and not so much of the giving.  I have had many instances like this over the years.  It is heart breaking to say the least.  Then there are those friends where you can see that they are on a path of distruction and you can see it, you want to help them, you say something, and they just don't listen.  Then when it ends badly for them they look at you as if to say "why didn't you tell me?". 
Today I was thinking on such relationships and those that I have had that have fit both of these categories.  I prayed for those friends today (some from so long ago I barely remember what actually happened).  Then something was revealed to me about these relationships...this is exactly what we, as humans, do to God on a regular basis.  Think about it...we run to God, most often, when we have a problem and need Him to fix it; God warns us about impending danger in our lives and we ignore the warnings and then when it ends badly we blame God.  When I started to think about this I was really convicted...I do this alot too and I know that many of you reading this can admit that you are the same way.  Our pastor at church always says "can you say 'ouch' or 'oh me'?"...that's exactly how I felt today.  OUCH! 
What wisdom can we all take from this?!  First of all, to make a point of talking to God all the time, not just when we need something.  Second, when God warns us of impending danger we need to listen and if we choose not to, don't blame Him when it ends badly.  Third, we need to all sit and think about what kind of friends we are.  Are we true blue friends or just friends that are takers and never givers?!  Relationships MUST go both directions or they just don't work...human relationships or God/human ones.  Honestly, if we aren't the true blue type of friends, we really aren't friends at all...we are merely aquaintences. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I'm cautious about taking on new friendships because I don't always have the time to really nurture them like I want to. As moms we are pulled so many directions we don't recognize our own needs. I think God sends us girlfriends for that gentle voice, that gut laughter, that quiet listener and that blanket of friendship we shouldn't take for granted.
