Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Words of Faith!

Our church is reading the book “Its Your Time” by Joel Osteen.  It is a great book and one I am finding very hard to put down.  Today, while I was reading I was convicted about the words I speak.  I fully believe that the power of life and death is in the tongue and fight regularly to speak life into situations and often fail.

I had to laugh in a “ouch” sort of way today when I realized that I talk a lot about believing for healing for my daughter and that the health issues she is currently facing are healed by the stripes on Jesus’ back…we are merely waiting to see it in the physical.  I easily say that I know she is healed and whole and that I believe that with every ounce of who I am.  So, why then do I struggle to speak like that over every other situation in my life?!  I struggle to speak that over our finances, over my husband’s job, over my personal health, over my business and the list goes on.  WHY?!  Why am I able to speak faith over a situation that medically looks untouchable, but struggle to speak it over things that are very touchable?

 I am sure by now you are waiting for me to answer that…keep waiting because I honestly don’t have the answer. The great thing is…I don’t have to!  All I have to do is work to change that!  How?!  Well, I am going to start with a very tangible thing that was actually placed on my heart yesterday; I am going to purchase little wooden plaques that I can paint and put words of faith on.  I will then tie these with little ribbons and hang them on the pillars at the entrance of my house on either side of the stairs.  These plaques will declare what our house stands in faith for…so that everyone who enters can see.  I don’t want people to look at these and feel sorry for us or be sympathetic to our needs, but instead, when they read them they can stand in faith with us!  That in turn will continue to stir up our faith for these breakthroughs!  I totally believe that in 2011 we will see such amazing things happen in our family and in my business because we chose to speak faith into these situations.  Will I fall at some point and speak negative?!  I am not so dumb to think that I won’t be challenged; shoot, walking upstairs to write this I was already challenged with this from one phone call of news that could be perceived as bad.  I KNOW I will be challenged, but I also know that falling is not bad…choosing to stay fallen is!

What are you believing God for?  What are needs you are struggling with having faith for?  Don’t keep them to yourself; don’t share them with everyone.  Do share them with people that you know will stand in faith with you and build you up as you believe for the miraculous in your personal life, your family and the lives around you!

I begin now…Please stand in faith with us:
1.  My husband will find a job so much better than the one he has and one that he will love!
2.  Felicity to be completely whole and healed with no medications!
3.  My back to be whole and healed and repaired to the way God created it!
4.  My business to prosper and grow!
5.  Our debt to be paid off!

What can I stand in faith with you for?

1 comment:

  1. well....I'd rather pray for you than ask for myself. How powerful is that? I think I'm so afraid to fail that I can't even begin to have expectations. So...I better start working on that! Hugs, Kd
